Ariana Deralte's Website |
Screencaps - With sarcastic captioning for the humour impaired. | |
Livejournal Icons - Various fandoms and styles. Made with magic. I only pretend to use Photoshop. | |
Fanfiction - Writing's a disease I have yet to cure. Here are its symptoms. | |
Wallpapers - Mosty anime and LOTR. Sticks to anything with a bit of glue. | |
Livejournal - May contain mentions of the Shrimpman of Happiness. | |
Goodies - Sauron-chan's Adventures and more | |
Fanfiction Recommendations - Fics only slightly easier to find than a needle in a haystack. | |
The Rise of Magic - A Harry Potter Historical Timeline - with fanfic. | |
Links - If you insist... |
Copyright © 2004 Ariana Deralte